10 Best Apps for Startups and Small Businesses

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How can a couple of the most popular business productivity applications help our company expand and become more efficient? We have some of the best apps for startups and small businesses listed.

As company leaders and owners, we all have resolutions, whether it’s to read more, worry less, or finally take a vacation. Aside from personal goals, you’re undoubtedly wondering how you might get things done faster, better, and more efficiently at your business.

The good news is that there are several productivity applications and solutions available to assist your startup or small business in accomplishing this goal.

The Best Productivity Applications and Tools for Small Businesses and Startups.

1. Gusto


Gusto, formerly known as ZenPayroll, helps small businesses simplify their tax, benefits, and payroll operations. It assists with all of the onboarding documentation as well as all of the reporting required when a new hire is made. It handles federal, state, and local tax filings, emails paystubs to employees, and calculates benefits and workers’ compensation deductions automatically.

2. GoCo

HR may be a perplexing issue for many small businesses. It’s complicated, difficult to navigate, and frequently overburdened with paperwork. It might be challenging to devote the time (and manpower) required to perform a great job when you’re working in a startup setting. The good news is that there are systems that can help you satisfy all of your company’s requirements. This is one of the best apps for startups and small businesses.

GoCo.io is a platform that streamlines employee onboarding and offboarding, time tracking, performance management, benefits administration, document management, and compliance by moving human resources and benefits to the cloud. It also integrates with some of the payroll and management software as well as productivity applications – which we’ll discuss later in this piece – to provide you with the HR skills you want without the paperwork.

3. GoodHire


When it comes to developing your startup further, one of the most significant pieces of advice you’ll get repeatedly is to employ the right people. The problem is that a lot can go into that process: from reference and employment checks to pre-hire skill tests, there’s a lot that you probably want to learn about someone before you determine to bring them onto your team. GoodHire assists you in figuring it all out with just a few clicks on your device and gets everything back to you in less than 24 hours.

4. Freshbooks

While we’re on the subject of payments, depending on your company model, there may be a lot of paperwork between when you finish a project and when you’re paid. Managing and monitoring bills is a difficult task, but Freshbooks is here to assist. With this productivity software, you can easily produce easy and professional bills, set up regular invoices for your client’s management, and accept credit cards on your mobile device. It also has cost tracking, business report production, and profit and loss statements to help you keep track of everything you need to keep your company running successfully.

5. Intercom


When it comes to customer service, the fact is that whenever and everywhere your consumers have a positive experience, that experience becomes their new baseline expectation for how they will be handled in the future. Customer communication that is both positive and unexpectedly pleasurable is rapidly becoming a differentiator for firms. This is one of the best apps for startups and small businesses.

Intercom makes it simpler for your company to engage and communicate with customers by combining education, live chat, and more. That way, you can concentrate on preventing problems from occurring and ensuring that your company converts clients into fans.

6. Upwork

When running a small business, you may find yourself in a scenario where you require a certain set of abilities that your staff lacks. You don’t necessarily want to pay someone full-time to deal with all of the paperwork because it’s a one-time project (although we’ve looked at various tools and applications that can assist).

Instead, use Upwork to discover an independent contractor who can assist you in completing your assignment without the hassle. You can find someone to hop in and tackle whatever job you throw their way, whether it’s graphic design, web development, or copywriting. Whatever the project, the review, bidding, and reference system assist you to ensure that you’re dealing with qualified professionals.

7. RescueTime


Have you ever experienced a day that seemed to fly by? You keep intending to get to a critical assignment, but you have to deal with all of this morning’s email first, then modifications to a project you gave yesterday, and before you know it, lunch is over.

RescueTime may assist you in gaining control over your time by tracking where you spend it and delivering detailed statistics and data to give you a complete picture of how you spend your day. You can’t make progress unless you start measuring anything, so give it a shot.

8. Trello

Having a team to count on, even if it’s a small one, allows you to get more done in the limited work hours of a day, but it also means you’ll have to spend more time managing people and keeping projects and deadlines structured. It might be tough to know where to go for the most accurate image of what has to be done when you’re spread out across emails, Slack, and tracking records. Trello is a team and task management application that makes task management as simple as possible. Streamline conversations, organize projects, and get items off your to-do list faster than ever before.

9. Pushover


One of the most popular pieces of advice you’ll hear when it comes to expanding your company is to hire the right people. The trouble is that there’s a lot that may go into that process: from reference and employment checks to pre-hire competency testing, you presumably want to know a lot about someone before you decide to recruit them. With just a few clicks on your smartphone, GoodHire can help you sort it all out and get it back to you in less than 24 hours.

Pushover is a game-changer for keeping all your moving pieces linked and coordinated if you require more than one device to run your business. It gathers all of your push notifications from all of your devices into one central location, allowing you to keep track of everything going on in your company at once.

10. SalesLoft

At the end of the day, the success of your company hinges on your ability to discover and retain new consumers. With software designed to boost the efficacy and efficiency of your sales staff, SalesLoft can assist. It includes sales-specific email, connectors with technologies you’re presumably currently using, such as Salesforce, and a sales dialer to keep the phones ringing.

What you can do right now for choosing the best apps for startups and small businesses.

If you’re building a business, you’re constantly seeking new methods to get things done quicker and better than before. Ensure you have the tools and applications you’ll need to succeed with your startup or small business.

  • To make managing and paying your staff easier, use programs like GoCo, Freshbooks, and Gusto.
  • Use GoodHire to make it simple to hire new employees, or look for independent contractors on Upwork.
  • With Intercom and Salesloft, you can make your sales and customer service reps’ jobs simpler.

Pushover, RescueTime, and Trello can help you get more done. I hope this list of the best apps for startups and small businesses will help you a lot.

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