Google Adwords Tutorial for Beginners

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In the current ongoing Covid pandemic crisis where Millions of businesses have shut down their outlets, the E-commerce market has seen the big success we have Google Adwords. Read this Google adwords tutorial.

And the way it is growing day by day as the post covid situation gets normal simply tells us that if a person wants to grow his business then taking it online is one of the best ways.

Even with an extraordinary SEO (Search Engine Optimization), It can take months or years to make your website appear on the first page of Google. 

But why should anyone choose Google Adwords?

Google Adwords or Google Ads is one of the most beneficial tools when it comes to advertising a business online, and to prove this, below are a few of the benefits that enterprises enjoy on Google’s paid marketing platform:

1. Most popular search network and high return on investment (ROI)

When it comes to search engines, no one can deny that Google is the most generally used search engine in the market, dominating opponents like Bing and Yahoo.

To grasp the power and domination of Google, one should look at the following stats:

  • With more than 72% of the total users globally, Google dominates the search engine market.
  • According to Wordstream, 64.6% of people click on Google Ads when searching for something to buy online.
  • As per Google’s statistics, 89% of the traffic generated by search ads is not replaced by organic clicks when ads are paused.

If we talk about return on investment (ROI), then as per Google studies, those who advertise through Google Ads on average generate $2 for every $1 spent;

that’s we can say an average of doubling your investment.

2. Precise Targeting

Google provides you with options to choose and target your favorable audience so that you can ensure your ad is only displayed to potential customers.

As a Google Advertiser, you can target your audience based on geographical location, age, keywords, and many more. Furthermore 

You’ll also get to choose the time of day when you want your ads to appear in front of your targeted audience which can help you to maximize your Google ad spend.

3. Beneficial For Any Business Type  

With its multiple features, Google Ads is a one-stop where any business in any industry can get benefitted. With Google Ads, you can choose the kinds of ads that work best for your business.

For instance, if you want text-based ads on Google search results, you can simply run search network ads,

or if you want to show your regional business on Google Maps, you can also do that easily.

From Gmail to Partner websites to phone calls, With Google Ads, you can run your ad campaign using almost endless options.

4. Performance Tracking

In this Google adwords tutorial, You’ll see how you can also track your ads’ performance.

By this, we meant you’ll be able to track the number of people that view and click on your ads.

Google Ads or Google Adwords?

Now you must be thinking, why are we using the terms Google Ads and Google Adwords simultaneously in our Google adwords tutorial? Are they alike, or Is there any difference between them?

In 2018, Google introduced new features such as product listings, display, and video integrations on Youtube in addition to text ads on Google searches in its Google Adwords advertising service.

Therefore to cover these extra features in its advertising name, Google renamed its AdWords platform to Google Ads. 

How to create a Google Ad for your brand?

Google ads is a Pay Per Click advertising service in which you only pay for the clicks on your ad, not for impressions, so this way, you save money by online paying when someone has taken action to view your website. 

Having a clear objective in mind for the ad campaign is imperative before creating a Google Adwords account. While everyone’s prime objective is “more sales,” online advertising will need you to be more specific. 

For better online sales, You have to build and nurture a relationship of trust with your customers. 

For this reason, Google Adwords provides you with several objectives to choose from for your business. Such as:

  • Generating sales
  • Registrations
  • Email sign-ups
  • Lead Generation
  • Enhancing brand awareness and recall value

After identifying an objective for your ad, Now it’s time to think about a very important prerequisite for advertising on AdWords, having a landing page.

Landing Page

A landing page is simply a webpage on which searchers will arrive after clicking on your Google ads. It is an individual page, different from your main website, specifically created to focus on a specific objective. 

The only motive of the landing page is to drive action, and that’s why a great landing page is essential to the success of your Adwords campaign.

If you want your website’s visitors to take your desired action, then a well-designed and optimized landing page is a must thing to have.

Following are some points that you should keep in mind while creating your landing page:

  • Deliver what you promise: Your landing page should convey the same message and offer that your ad does.
  • While creating your landing page, you have to make sure that the offers, be they discounts or free trials on your page, match your ad. 
  • Focused landing pages: Your utmost focus should be on value propositions. Keep them very concise and make sure that they explain the final benefits that customers can expect; otherwise, landing pages that focus on multiple things might end up confusing visitors.
  • Mobile-Friendly: Globally, the number of mobile users on the internet has seen tremendous growth in recent years, and it’s increasing day by day at a very high rate. Therefore it is crucial to ensure your landing page is mobile-friendly.
  • Call to action: One of the most important things is to properly highlight the desired call to action on your landing page so that customers can easily find it.  

Setting up Google AdWords Account

In this Google adwords tutorial, We have explained everything steps by step to easily learn how to set up your Google Adwords account in the correct manner.

When you click on the Google Adwords website to sign up, You’ll have the option to switch to Expert Mode (Google Ads) or continue creating your Smart Campaigns account (previously AdWords Express).

“Smart Campaign” is a simplified version where Google handles most of the work, and it’s only available for local businesses with stores or online e-commerce shops.

It is specifically designed for those people who are limited on time or those who want to generate extra revenue without much work.

But the thing is, it’s not compatible for the long run as, after some time, You will likely find your sales stalling at a point, and Google Ads gives so many features to improve your account that Smart Campaigns does not.

Here you should go for Google Ads (Expert mode) so that you can use those extra features it provides to make your ad campaign better.

Sign up in Google Adwords

To sign up, All you need to do is to visit the Google Adwords website and sign up there using your Email account and website URL.

Once you have filled in these details, Google will take you to a new page where you can choose your budget, and target audience set your bids, and write your ad copy.

Set Your Budget

 As a newcomer to this Google advertising service, you should start with a comfortable budget that enables you to bring in some traffic and conversions without taking any financial pressure.

By defining the daily budget, you can make sure to remain within your expenditure capacity.

You can figure out your daily budget by considering the average conversion rate for your business and setting it accordingly.

Once you have set your desired currency and budget, just click on save and move on to the following step.

Choose Your Target Audience

  • Location

In targeting a specific audience, Your first task is to specify the geographical location of an area you want to target.

So by this, you can ensure that your ad is displayed only to those users that are present in your specified geographical location.

Google Adwords also provides you with an advanced search option; you can also target a certain radius from your zip code by using it. And even set different bid adjustments per radius targets.

  • Choose a Network

Google Ads is divided into two different Google networks:

1) Search Network 

2) Display Network

The Search Network shows your ads on the Google search engine result page and other Google platforms such as Google Maps and Google shopping.

At the same time, Display Network puts your focus on non-text-based platforms and advertising methods like YouTube, Gmail, and thousands of partner sites on Google.

Search Network is preferable to beginners and small businesses as it displays your ads to only those who are specifically searching for keywords related to your business.

And on the other side, Display Network ads are useful for Brand awareness, retargeting, and lower CPC costs (Cost-Per-Click).

  • Choose Your Keywords

Keywords are those terms or phrases that people enter on Google when they are looking for something. Google Adwords gives you space to add 15-20 keywords that may trigger your ad to appear on the Search engine result page (SERP).

To get results, you must target those keywords that can attract customers, rather than fill all 20 spaces that you may find irrelevant, and find good keywords for your ad campaign; you can use Google’s keyword tool.

While choosing your keywords, you should pay attention to keyword search volumes; most of the time, people tend to choose keywords with high search volume, but they forget those keywords are usually very expensive to bid for.

So as a beginner, you should choose only a few important keywords with moderate search volumes.

Keyword Match Types

Keyword match types help control which searches on Google can trigger your advertisement. For every keyword added to your Google Ads account, you can choose one of five different matches.

  • Broad match: It provides your ad the maximum reach with the least relevancy as it allows your ad to appear for those searches that are either a variation of your keywords or considered related by Google Ads. Examples of plastic surgery are cosmetic surgeon and rhinoplasty.
  • Broad match modifier: It is similar to “Broad Match,” but here, you have more control. This includes placing a plus sign (+) before each word in your keyword. Your ad will be displayed only when +[keyword] is included within the search. Examples of +plastic +surgeon: are plastic and reconstructive surgeons and top surgeons in plastic surgery.
  • Phrase match: With this comes more control over you; your ad will be displayed in results only for those search terms in the same order as your chosen keyword. Examples of “plastic surgeon” a plastic surgeons in Delhi, and professional plastic surgeons.
  • Exact match: When this is applied, your ad will appear only when someone is searching for your exact keyword or a close variation of it, such as misspellings, singular and plural forms, stemming, acronyms, and abbreviations. To use the Exact match, put a [] bracket around your keywords. Examples for [plastic surgeon]: plastic surgeon, plastic surgeons
  • Negative match: It is used to prevent your ad from displaying irrelevant queries that may sound similar. In this match, you just have to put a minus sign (-) before those terms you want to stop from triggering your ad.

Set Your Bid

As we see, Adwords runs on the bidding model. A bid is simply a fee you’re willing to pay to Google when a person clicks on your ad.

If you and your opponents have bid for the same keyword, you have to bid more than them to rank your ad higher on the Google search page.

Google provides you with two bidding methods:

  • Automated Bidding: In this, Google set your bid to maximize the returns of your budget. You just have to set a daily budget; the rest of Google will handle the rest of the things by automatically adjusting CPC bids based on market fluctuations.
  • Manual Bidding: Here, you can bid on your own. It allows you to focus on those keywords working for you and reduce expenditure on those that aren’t producing results.

As you’re a beginner, you might want to start with automatic bids till you fully understand the Adwords system.

Write Your Ad

Now comes the most important part of ad creation. Writing an ad for your brand is not an easy task, and here you have made it compelling. To get what you want from users, you have to make your offer very clear to them. 

Below are a few best practices for writing an ad.

  • Keep it concise:  As there isn’t much space to write, you keep your message to the point.
  • An appealing Headline: The first thing users will see is your ad’s headline, so make it appeal to them.
  • A clear call to action: It should be easily visible in your ad so that users can understand.

While attempting to write your ad, you’ll notice a collection of various factors in the anatomy of an ad:

Finish your Ad 

After completing all the above steps, you just need to click on the “save” button and continue to the last stage of your ad creation process.

In the following section, Google will want you to fill in the details about your business and payment information.

Now your Google ad is live and ready. Hope this google adwords tutorial was helpful to you.

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