60+ Useful Landing Page Statistics to Improve Conversion in 2024

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Marketing is most important in online business. If you want to increase conversions and want to get new fresh customers landing page statistics can be a key marketing strategy. Landing Pages are helpful in successfully targeting people who are interested so that conversions can be achieved.

There are thousands of marketing tools for landing page statistics to make zero-imperfection landing pages and collect more leads. The success of a business is evaluated by its marketing tactics. These marketing tactics can benefit greatly from landing pages being set up rightly.

These pages are tailored to increase the conversion rate. Know some useful landing page statistics.

In this article, we have discussed the landing page statistics which will help you to understand the landing pages and will help you to increase the effectiveness of your landing pages. Landing pages work for the targeted audiences and are optimized for conversions.

By using correctly, a landing page can increase conversions, and profit margins, and even add leads to your mailing list for nurturing.

60+ Useful Landing Page Statistics

Landing pages improve conversions, it is important to optimize your pages to achieve the highest conversion and lead generation rates. Landing pages are easy to read for the customer, and also rank higher in search engines and generate more leads.

The landing page statistics should offer you some insights into optimizing landing pages for conversion and lead gen in 2023.

Here are the statistics that will help you to improve your Conversion rate-

1. Conversion rate of most of the landing pages is 10% or less. (Data Box)

2. Landing pages with a loading time of 0-2 seconds have the highest conversion rates. ( Portent)

3. Conversions rate can be improved by 86% with videos on landing pages. (EyeView)

4. With every passing  additional second of load time reduces a websites conversion rate by 4.42% on average after 5 seconds of a click,  ( Portent)

5. Landing Pages with only 1 CTA have 1.6% more conversion power than those with 2 or more. ( Unbounce)

6. Landing pages having more than one offer can decrease conversion rates by as much as 266%. ( Wishpond)

7. Asking for personal information on landing pages has the worst conversion rates. ( Startup Bonsai)

8. The average conversion rate of landing pages across industries is 9.7%. ( Findstack)

9. Almost 36% of top landing pages feature testimonials. ( Nifty)

10.  Landing pages having a two-step form have been shown to be 30% more effective than traditional landing pages having a 1-step form. ( Databox)

11. Landing page that includes your business phone number helps you to boost trust and conversions. ( Neil Patel)

12. Conversions can increase as much as 300% with the help of good testing and targeting ( SteelHouse.com)

13. Delay of a 1 sec in page loading reduces conversions by 7%. ( EyeView)

14. Landing pages that are long can generate up to 220% more leads than above-the-fold call-to-action (CTA). ( MarketingExperiments)

15. According to Forbes, you can make a strong impression in just 7 seconds. ( Forbes)

16. Almost 9 out of 10 consumers trust reviews and testimonials featured on a landing page. ( Search Engine Land)

17.  Average conversion rate of a landing page is 9.7%. (Hubspot)

18.  “Lead-generation” has seen a 12.2% CAGR over the last 5 years. (Google Trends)

19. Content with photos have 80% higher chances of reading. (Xerox)

20. Conversion rate can be 202% higher with personalized CTAs. (HubSpot)

21. Companies having 10-12 pages of landing pages saw an increase of 55% in leads. (HubSpot)

22. Conversion rates can be increased by 80% by resolving buyer fear on landing pages. (Inbound )

23. Around 77% of landing pages are home pages. (OptinMonster)

24. For 2022, the median conversion rate is 4.02%. (Unbounce )

25. Conversion rate of the median for agencies was 1.7%. (Unbounce)

26. The highest category conversion rates of 6.2% are Apps/devices. (Unbounce)

27. You can increase conversions by up to 30% with the help of optimizing software. (Unbounce)

28. 6 percent of all the top landing page results come from mobile-friendly landing pages. (Nifty)

29. Nearly 17% of businesses have embedded a Google map in their landing page. (Nifty Marketing)

30. Almost 58% of companies use clickable graphics. (Marketing Experiments)

31. Landing pages of companies with 16% of them have no navigation. (Impactbnd )

32. Around 48% of the best landing pages rank for Google Maps and Organic Search. ( Nifty Marketing)

33. An Email post-click landing page can generate $48 in ROI for each $1 spent. (Thrivemyway)

34. 9 out of 10 viewers will read your call to action who read your headline also. (MarketingSherpa)

35. Optimization tool (often called Conversion Rate Optimization tools) on your landing page could increase your conversion rates by an average of 223%. (VentureBeat)

36. With the use of the right target and test types you could increase your landing page conversions by up to 300%. (Steelhouse)

37.  Higher education is the industry with the lowest average conversion rate which is at 2.6%. (Unbounce)

38. Vocational studies and job training is the industry with the highest conversion rate which is at 6.1%. (Unbounce)

39. Home improvement industries have a good conversion rate of 3.3%. (Unbounce)

40.  Business consulting average conversion rate is 5%. (Unbounce)

41.   An industry with a conversion rate of 5% is the travel industry. (Unbounce)

42.  A conversion rate of 5.6% in the credit and lending industry. (Unbounce)

43.  You could boost your conversions by 120% by reducing your landing page form fields to less than 5. (Mirabel’s Marketing)

44. Landing page sign-up forms have a 23% conversion rate. (HubSpot)

45. Requesting for a person’s age on a landing page, will reduce conversion rates. (Square2Marketing)

46. To receive the best conversions, you will need to get into the top 10% of landing pages.(Thrivemyway)

47. Around 60% to 90% is a typical goal for landing page bounce rates.(Thrivemyway)

48. Removing the navigation menu from the landing page, you will get results in a 100% increase in conversions. (Neil Patel)

49. Images that don’t have text have a 52% higher click-through rate than images that have text. (Thrivemyway)

50. As far as channels, email converts best at 13.0%. (Unbounce)

51.  Landing page conversions drop when companies ask personal questions. ( Omnisend)

52. Users are 80% more likely to read content combined with pictures. (Venngage)

53. 65% of the top landing pages use business names in the title tag. (Nifty Marketing)

54.  Green is the top choice for landing page button color. (Chartmogul)

55.  55% of landing page submissions on Hubspot came from eBooks. (HubSpot)

56. Form layout has a huge impact on conversions according to 46% of marketers. (Marketing Experiments)

57. Landing pages that feature social proof convert 1.1% better than those that don’t. (Unbounce)

58. For landing pages test, A/B testing is one of the most popular ways with 60% of businesses deeming this method “highly valuable”. ( Invesp)

59. Around 50% of companies perform fewer than 5 landing page tests per month. ( Transaction)

60. Improving SEO and organic presence is a top inbound marketing priority for 61% of marketers. ( HubSpot)

61. Generating traffic and leads is their biggest challenge, says 61% of online marketers. ( HubSpot)

62. Nearly 48% of marketers create a new landing page for each marketing campaign. ( SERPSTAT)

63. In B2B businesses, 4 in 10 clicks are generated by direct consumers to the homepage in place of the landing page. ( AgencyEntourage)

64. 80% of viewers are likely to read content that has colorful visuals. ( Xerox)


Above are the landing page statistics that show you the importance of landing pages. Landing pages impact a lot of the conversion. Better landing pages lead to a better conversion rate. So don’t ignore the value of landing pages; they will maximize your conversion.

Understanding the statistics and trends for 2023 will help you leverage your landing pages more effectively. Landing pages play a critical role in an inbound marketing campaign, and these stats back up this statement.

To know more about these and other tools that will help you to grow your business and increase conversion, schedule a free demo.

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