Best Practices For   Marketing Automation           Messaging

     Best Practices For   Marketing Automation           Messaging

1) Get To The Point

The message should be concise, clear, and with only relevant points as people have very limited time on their hands and don’t show much patience with long messages.

2) Keep It Active

In this digital era, people get diverted very easily; therefore, your message should be in an active tone so that they remain engaged.

     Best Practices For   Marketing Automation           Messaging

3) Remember Where People Are In The Process

You must remember that you can’t send similar content to everyone because some people will be more appealed to by some types of content than others.

4) Avoid Looking Spammy

As we all know how annoying and ineffective spams are, therefore you must avoid looking spammy at all.

     Best Practices For   Marketing Automation           Messaging

5) Hone your list

No matter how big your contact list is, your marketing automation aims to generate leads for your business unless you have the right people in it.